martes, 27 de julio de 2010

Carta desde Seattle

May 20th, 2010
Hello Aylin,

I'm so thankful for your email and to hear of what God is calling you to do in the DR. I would love to be of assistance to you....I would suggest you get in touch with Shared Hope International. They have some great resources, especially their "Intervene" video which have been very valuable to us.

This is what God has called us to and what we have been building:

We have a team of volunteers that are separated into 5 possible teams.

Street Outreach team: gather on Friday nights, pray for discernment about where to go, walk the streets talking to girls involved in prostitution, handing out gift bags with various make-up/lotions/hygiene items, praying with them, letting them know about the church and what services we provide. We go out three times a month to maintain consistency.

Strip Club team: team of girls who go into the clubs to build relationships with the girls, or find ways to meet with the girls outside of the club, serving them with hair or make-up styling, getting coffee with them, etc. This is in the very beginning phase so we might change what this looks like as God opens and closes doors.

Bikini Barista team: In Seattle we have drive-up coffee shops that have transitioned into bikini stands (barista's serve coffee while wearing minimal clothing, sometimes even less than a bikini through full length windows. We are training our community groups through the church to adopt a stand and have girls in the community groups visit the stands, build relationships with the baristas, invite them into community, etc.

Prayer Team: This team meets three times a month to pray specifically for the outreach teams and the direction of the ministry, the girls who are enslaved, and the pimps/johns who harm them.

Resource Team: This team helps to build financial support and also comes up with ideas to get donations from businesses or members of the church.

That's the brief outline of what we have been building the last few months. I would say that at the foundation of our ministry is the gospel - we focus a lot on sharing the gospel with each other, exposing our hearts, identifying where we are weak and enjoying repentance together. We take a lot of time to listen to God and He has definitely been speaking to us about how to move forward. I will be praying that He does the same for you.



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