Hi aylin, I'm so glad that you were all able to share the message of John 8 - very appropriate chapter. I am praying for those girls and you and your friends also - it is so sad to hear those stories of lives just robbed by satan and sin.
The question about the drugs. Well, I am not an expert as I have only been doing addictions for a few months..but all addictions to substances (including alcohol) will affect a persons abilty to concentrate and pay attention. Crack and alcohol in particular can make people disinhibited, and marijuhana can do this but tends to 'relax' people. Long term use can affect memory as well as give physical health problems. Use of any of these can precipitate or aggravate mental health problems such as depression, psychosis (such as hearing voices) and anxiety both short and long term. The other problem with things like crack and heroine is the 'coming down' effect which pushes people to seek more drugs. Getting drugs can become the all-encompassing aim of life. Infact it maybe that the prostitution is funding the drug habit as opposed to the drugs enabling the prositution.
Heroine and alcohol are drugs which people can physically get dependant on..the others are more psychological dependance ( i think).
This said...the fact is the word of God is more powerful than any drug and capable of cutting to bone and marrow, as we know.They are caught in sin and headed for death as we all were before Christ redeemed us..if God had waited until sin had loosened it's hold on me to send the word of God into my life, I would still be dead in my sin. So, it is never a waste to preach to these girls, even if they are high and distracted. The devil will try to distract them and would have you believe the lie that the power of God's word in the life of these girls will be useless because they are on drugs - but it is God's word!
I think it will be harder for them to concentrate and maybe you just have to be sensitive to that and give short messages and keep repeating yourselves so that even after the drugs have worn off or not they may remember something.
But I think most importantly you have to remember it is a battle and you guys are going into the spiritual battle field but it is God's battle and you know the weapons he has given you to use do work so you just have to use them and trust Him to do the rest!
I hope this helps in some way...I think what you are doing is amazing and I pray God will make hearts ready to recieve what you are saying.
sábado, 6 de junio de 2009
Carta que alienta, Marzo 30, 2009

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