sábado, 6 de junio de 2009

Mending the Soul, 2nd chapter

Chapter 2—Abuse as a perversion of the image of God

The unpleasant truth is that abuse has profound, wildly irrational consequences. It tears the soul. The only way we can truly understand the effects of abuse is to clarify what it means to be a human being made in the image of God. To understand the devastating impact of abuse, we need to understand the manner in which abuse perverts the image of God in humans.”

To understand what it means to be humans in His image, we need to understand it refers to all that we are as humans. In this way, we're addressing several important aspects: relational, visible and functional.

Relational: We have the capacity and the longing for intimate relationships because God is in an intimate relationship within his own divine being. Our capacity for intimacy creates great vulnerability in a sinful, abusive world.

Visible: “Humans are to visibly manifest who God is, that is, they are to make visible the invisible God” (Col. 1: 15). We can greatly damage others when others look at us (especially children) and instead of getting a glimpse of who God is, they get a glimpse of who Satan is. What this does is that people (esp. children) come to fear what they need to sustain their lives.

Functional: Humans function as God's representatives on earth. We are to care for his creation (Gen. 1: 26) both by control ( Gen. 1:26; Psalm 8: 5-6) and cultivation (Gen. 2: 15). When we use our function to dominate rather than nurture, much damage is done.

Because of the Fall, all three aspects of God's image are distorted. Instead of continuing to love each other and God, man and woman are ashamed and hide from God. Instead of showing God's character they live in ungodliness and unholinness. And, instead of being His representatives, creation was harmed and cursed due to their sin (Gen. 3: 14-16). Thankfully, though, “sin corrupted the image of God,” but it didn't eliminate it.

Abuse as a perversion of the image of God

Abuse is about the abuse of power over another individual-an abuse that perverts the divinely ordained image of God.

Five kinds of abuse

Sexual abuse-- perversion of “one flesh”

S.A—exploitation of a minor for the sexual gratification of another person through sexual contact or sexual interaction. The reason why sexual abuse is so damaging is that sex is the “most powerful bonding activity in which we can engage.” Sexual relations are a beautiful divine gift that should be a source of emotional and physical life. With sexual abuse, sex no longer gives life but destroys life. It does not express selfless love but destructive selfishness. Sexual abuse is not only that which damages people through sexual intercourse. Abusive sexual interaction includes deliberate exposure of of a minor to pornography, or sexual activity and exhibitionism. “All sexual abuse is extremely damaging. Diana Russell, one of America's foremost authorities on sexual abuse, found that in the cases of the “least severe” forms of sexual abuse (sexual kissing, sexual touching of buttocks or thighs) almost 20 percent of the abuse victims experienced extreme trauma, and in the next to least severe forms of sexual abuse, 35 % of victims experienced extreme trauma.

Physical abuse-A perversion of “Let Them Rule”

P.A is defined as any nonaccidental injury to a minor by an adult or caregiver. Domestic abuse can be broadly described “as the use or threat of physical violence to control an adult family member, particularly a spouse.

As God's representatives we are to cultivate and exercise responsible dominion. Through physical abuse we injure, demolish what we should nurture, sustain and enhance.

Neglect-A pervesion of “Cultivate the Ground”

Neglect is the opposite of physical abuse: it is a failure to act.

Spiritual Abuse—A Perversion of Image

S.A. Is the inappropriate use of spiritual authority to force a person to do that which is unhealthy.

Verbal abuse—A Perversion of “Be Fruitful”

It is a form of emotional maltreatment in which words are systematically used to belittle, undermine, scapegoat or maliciously manipulate another person” (p. 34).

God's words have the power to create life. We, as h¡s image, are also called to create life. While can obviously do this through sexual relations, we also give life through our words. Prov. 18: 21; 16: 24; 12: 25 all testify to the truth that words have the power to encourage and give life. So Satan promptly uses our words not to give life, but to take life.


Imagine how disturbing it has to be, for a child especially, to grow up and consistently getting glimpses of the devil and not of God!!!

This author uses some language that makes me wonder about how influenced he is by psychology (“humans have the need for intimacy,” “children need and deserve to glean a sense of the character of God from watching their caregivers.”

I am starting to feel a bit overwhelmed. I am so thankful, though, for this book! It exalts our God as Holy and Good and Kind. He alone is the giver of life.

Lord, while Satan is called the evil one, the destroyer, Apollyon, you are HOLY HOLY HOLY, God ALMIGHTY. Worthy of all the glory and honor and power. It is because of your will that all things exist and were created. Salvation belongs to YOU and to the LAMB who was slain. While Satan is finding every way to corrupt us and to destroy us forever, Jesus Christ became one of us, died on the Cross, suffered death to deliver us from the power of the devil. Only because He rendered Satan incapable of destroying your elect forever can we go forth with hope and without fear!

O Father God, Yeimy, Annie, Laurie are probably not only victims of abuse but are also abusing their own children.


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